Fisher-Price channels the magic of Hogwarts in its second Little People Collector Harry Potter Collection

These latest character sets from the movies are charming and bewitching and from thrilling moments in the films.
Expelliarmus! Fisher-Price Brings More Magic with New Harry Potter Sets. Image courtesy of Fisher-Price
Expelliarmus! Fisher-Price Brings More Magic with New Harry Potter Sets. Image courtesy of Fisher-Price

The Harry Potter book series played a major part in the lives of many readers and that is equally true of the film adaptations. It is now impossible to think of Ron Weasley's fear of spiders without envisioning Rupert Grint's marvelously terrified expressions. Emma Watson, straining a muscle to answer a question in Potions class, is the embodiment of clever Hermione. And it was wonderful to see Harry's journey in the maturing of Daniel Radcliffe.

New sets from Fisher-Price's Little People Collector line aims to take fans back to those experiences with sets of figurines from the eight movies. According to a press email from Fisher-Price, the aim of these collections is to rekindle something special:

"Fisher-Price's Little People Collector (LPC) line was born from the idea that the toys we love as children - when combined with the things we've grown to love as adults - can inspire joy, fun, and laughter to the kid inside all of us...each collectible figure pack presents a window into a unique world where your fan favorites are brought to life in a signature Little People form...taking cues from memorable scenes or moments in time."
Press Email from Fisher-Price

Excitement was high when the sets for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets were released earlier this year. Now, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire are coming out. It will complete the 2024 collection released by Fisher-Price.

Fantastic beasts and where to film them

Prisoner of Azkaban_Packaging Front
Expelliarmus! Fisher-Price Brings More Magic with New Harry Potter Sets. Image courtesy of Fisher-Price

One of the most intense parts of harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the confrontation in the Shrieking Shack. Truths are revealed and alliances are reforged and Harry turns from the orphan who resolved to take revenge on the traitor Sirius Black to the godson who never got a chance to know his parents' best friend.

This moment is the choice for the third movie's figurine set and we see the surviving Marauders in their human forms. Professor Lupin is not yet in his werewolf form, though the full moon looms ominously in the background. The Dementors are hovering above Harry and Sirius in foreshadowing of the attack by the lake. And Peter Pettigrew is positioned above the Marauders' Map that gave away his location to his old school friend. Harry is even worse for the wear after his attack by the Whomping Willow.

The set is available just in time for Harry's July 31 birthday and the suggested retail price is $24.99.

The Three Tasks

Goblet of Fire_Packaging Front
Expelliarmus! Fisher-Price Brings More Magic with New Harry Potter Sets. Image courtesy of Fisher-Price

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire centers largely around the Tri-Wizard Tournament and each of these four champions is depicted. The background, illuminated by the blue flames of the Goblet of Fire, appears to be from the scene in which the three champions wee to be selected. There are four scraps of paper coming out of the Goblet.

In the foreground, Fleur Delacour holds the model of a Common Welsh Green dragon that she faced in the first task. Harry bears the golden egg containing the riddle that he had to solve in preparation for the Second Task. VIctor Krum, who turned himself into half of a shark to survive underwater during the same challenge wears a Durmstrang uniform over his beastly form. Cedric Diggory brandishes the Tri-Wizard Cup that means he has won the Third Task but this is tragically the way he looks when murdered on Voldemort's orders.

This line will be available later in the fall for the price of $24.99.

Hurry to Amazon, Walmart, or the Mattel Creations site to spend a few galleons on these miniature heroes.