Should I Try It: World War II: From the Frontlines

Are you a fan of documentary series, especially ones that cover World War II? Netflix has a new docuseries narrated by John Boyega using archival footage. We take a look below.
John Boyega narrates a new docuseries from Netflix.
John Boyega narrates a new docuseries from Netflix. | Kayla Oaddams/GettyImages

We live in a big era for content. We have networks, streaming services, movies and more. It seems the only thing that hasn’t gotten bigger is our available time for viewing. That can leave you wondering whether a new show or mini-series is worth your time. That’s what this series is here to help you solve! In these pieces I’ll look at a new show, where to find it, what it’s about and some comparable options to help you decide whether to dive in or move on!

Series: World War II: From the Frontlines

Where to Find It: All six episodes are now streaming on Netflix

What’s it About: This is a docuseries that features plenty of stock reel footage along with some interviews with survivors and experts. It’s meant to capture the war in Europe, with each of the episodes serving as part of a timeline. We begin early in the war and make our way through different campaigns, telling the stories of those who fought and the conflict itself.

The documentary is narrated by John Boyega and has a focus on the British perspective of the war. The goal of the series is to capture images of the war and tell the story of the combatants as it’s never been seen before. The episodes are each 45 minutes to an hour, making for a relatively quick binge for those that want to learn more about World War II and see archival footage of the conflicts.

You Should Try It If: You’re a fan of docuseries and history, you enjoy World War II stories and you’re a fan of Boyega.

One Man’s Opinion of World War II: From the Frontlines

We’ve seen the story of World War II told often in several different ways. We keep getting these stories even decades after the conflict. People seem to never tire of this era of history and of learning more about the people who fought in the conflict. So, it makes sense that Netflix would invest in bringing this story to its streaming service.

The hook here is the archival footage, which has been restored and enhanced to tell the story in a new way. Often you do get an “in the trenches” feel because of how the documentary is put together. For history buffs and those that enjoy learning more about the conflict, this will likely be a welcome addition to the television landscape.

It is a series focused on the war and has been rated TV-MA. For those that don’t enjoy war footage and violence, it would be best to steer clear. But if you’re looking for a quick binge with a historical bent, this is an easy watch.