Wen it comes to the royal family, we are always fascinated by the little things that make them seem more relatable. This is especially true when looking back at the life of Queen Elizabeth II. After all, her long life and reign definitely made her legendary.
But did you know that the late queen suffered from allergies? I had no idea about the Queen’s allergies. And finding out exactly what allergies she had, was actually a bit surprising.
According to Hello Magazine, it seems that Queen Elizabeth II was allergic to cats. Now this is not an uncommon allergy, but it does seem a bit surprising, since she was such an avid animal lover. That being said, it also makes sense that she would surround herself with dogs and not have any cats in the mix.
Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II was allergic to cats?
We all know that Queen Elizabeth II was a major fan of Corgis. In fact, she had well over 30 throughout her life. And they are such a big part of her story, that in many tributes to the queen the Corgi is front and center.
Queen Elizabeth II is not the only member of the royal family to suffer from allergies. And she’s not even the only member of the royal family to have an allergy to an animal. We just find it interesting that she is specifically allergic to cats and that’s why we never really saw or heard of any in the palace. Of course, it’s entirely likely that there were palace cats as they definitely help to keep away the mice. However, it’s clear that any cats were definitely kept away from the queen if they were in fact in residence.
Are you at all surprised by the fact that the late queen had allergies? And did you know that she had an allergy to cats?