Gordon Ramsay is back with an all new season of Kitchen Nightmares on FOX. And for this season, it is all about the lead up to the Super Bowl in New Orleans.
There is no denying that when we watch Kitchen Nightmares, we are expecting a mess. We are expecting people that maybe don’t know how to run a restaurant properly, problems in the kitchen, and attitude. That’s not to say that this happens every single time, but there are a lot of factors that go into a restaurant needing help from Gordon Ramsay.
And this season, it definitely started with a mess. We are talking about a restaurant owner that is in no way equipped to be in charge of a restaurant. I’m not saying that people can’t change their career paths, but before you do that, you should have a basis for getting to that point.
However that does not seem to be the case for Iberville, the restaurant that Ramsay is attempting to help in New Orleans, in this two-part season premiere. This restaurant is struggling. It sounds like some of our servers have days where they don’t even get paid for the work they are doing. And that is not something you want to see for anyone.
Kitchen Nightmares returns with a restaurant that looks to be struggling in the Big Easy
This two part premiere, starts off with plenty of problems. And unsurprisingly, a big problem for this particular restaurant is the kitchen. The chef is actually someone who trained as an apprentice plumber, the food isn’t fresh, and we don’t even want to think about their walk-in cooler.
Gordon Ramsay has his work cut out for him with this restaurant. And while it seems as if the staff wants to make a go of this, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the two owners. The fact that they left their staff to do the cleanup work and they went home, is terrible. (There are so many other words we could use, but just leaving it at terrible is the only way we can explain how awful it was to see the people in charge walking out on their staff.)
And we already know that Gordon Ramsay is not going to put up with this. So we can’t wait for the second episode of this season of Kitchen Nightmares, just to see how he handles what the owners did. It’s going to be an interesting season, if this premiere has anything to go off of.
This season of Kitchen Nightmares is already starting the way we expected it to and we love that for us. We love when Gordon Ramsay tries to help failing restaurants, and we appreciate the way he calls everyone out for what they are and are not doing. So we can't wait to see how he handles the Big Easy.